“Show & Tell” planned at Monthly Archaeology Meeting at Dickson Mounds
ISM Location: Dickson Mounds
For Immediate Release:
Lewistown, IL --The Illinois Valley Archaeological Society (IVAS) will meet Tuesday, April 3, 2018 at the Dickson Mounds Museum beginning at 7:00 p.m. This will be a special evening of sharing by members and friends. This event is free and the public is invited to attend. Refreshments will be available following the presentations.
This meeting will be a special time for members and friends to “Show and Tell” some of their ‘First American’ artifacts, to describe where they were found, under what circumstances. In the interest of time please limit your offerings to two items. There will also be a short business meeting that evening.
The Illinois State Museum—Dickson Mounds is located between Lewistown and Havana off Illinois Routes 78 and 97. The museum is open free to the public from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. every day. Tours and special programs are available for groups with reservations. For more information call 309.547.3721 or TTY 217.782.9175 or visit the museum's web site at www.ExperienceEmiquon.com. Also check out weekly updates on Facebook at “Illinois State Museum – Dickson Mounds”.
Contact Person: Alan Harn
Contact Email: kdunnigan@illinoisstatemuseum.org
Contact Phone: 309.547.3721
Release File (pdf): ivas_april_2018.pdf
Release File (doc): ivas_april_2018.docx