Bring Your Lunch and Learn about the Underground Railroad on March 21
Sub-Title: Illinois State Museum Research and Collections Center Brown Bag Program
ISM Location: Research and Collections Center
For Immediate Release:
SPRINGFIELD, IL – Bring your lunch to the Illinois State Museum Research and Collections Center in Springfield on Wed., March 21 at noon and learn about the story of the most famous conductor on the Underground Railroad, Harriet Tubman.
Tubman risked her life more than a dozen times to lead scores of slaves to freedom. Come and learn about this remarkable woman from American history as she is brought to life in this first-person presentation by Kathryn Harris.
The free Brown Bag Lecture will be presented at the ISM Research and Collections Center, 1011 E. Ash St., Springfield from noon until 1 p.m. on Wed., March 21. For additional information, please contact or phone 217-558-6696.
(NOTE: The Collections Center cannot currently be reached from Ash St. due to construction. Access the facility's entrance on 10 1/2 St. from Laurel St.)
Contact Person: Elizabeth Bazan
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: (217) 558-6696
Release File (pdf): ism-brownbag-march2018.pdf
Release File (doc): ism-brownbag-march2018.docx