Africa: Animals and Issues
Sub-Title: ISM Brown Bag Lecture on Feb. 15, 12 noon -1 pm
ISM Location: Research and Collections Center
For Immediate Release:
SPRINGFIELD, IL – The Illinois State Museum Research and Collections Center will host a monthly brown bag lunchtime program “Africa: Animals and Issues” on Wed., Feb. 15 from noon until 1 p.m.
The free event is open to the public.
Richard Leary, ISM Geology Curator Emeritus, recently traveled on "safari" to southern Africa, visiting Botswana, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. He will discuss some of the issues facing animals in this region.
Bring your lunch and join us for a different speaker and topic on the third Wednesday of each month. Brown Bag Lectures are held at the ISM Research & Collections Center at 1011 E. Ash St. in Springfield. For additional information, please contact or 217-782-0061.
Contact Person: Elizabeth Bazan
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 217-782-0061
Release File (pdf): ism-brownbagfeb2017.pdf
Release File (doc): ism-brownbagfeb2017.docx