What a Collection of 19th Century Clothing Can Tell Us About an Early Illinois Family
Sub-Title: Illinois State Museum Brown Bag Program on Oct. 17
ISM Location: Research and Collections Center
For Immediate Release:
SPRINGFIELD, IL – The Illinois State Museum recently acquired a large collection of 19th century clothing passed down through several generations of the Enos-Hatch family of Springfield. On Wed., Oct. 17, the ISM Brown Bag lunchtime series will feature Curator of Art and History Erika Holst's program "Opening the Enos-Hatch Wardrobe: What a Collection of 19th Century Clothing Can Tell Us About an Early Illinois Family."
The free program will be presented at the ISM Research and Collections Center at 1011 E. Ash in Springfield.
The talk will introduce the Enos-Hatch family and their impact on Springfield and Illinois; what their clothing tells us about the people who wore it; and, about life in the 19th century. Special attention will be given to the extraordinary wedding shirt made by Salome Enos for her son Zimri's 1846 wedding.
For additional information, contact events@illinoisstatemuseum.org or phone 217-558-6696.
(NOTE: The ISM Research and Collections Center's new entrance gate is on Ash Street. The Ash Street entrance must be approached from 11th Street due to the rail closure at Ash and 10 ½ Streets).
Contact Person: Elizabeth Bazan
Contact Email: Elizabeth.Bazan@illinois.gov
Contact Phone: 217-558-6696
Release File (pdf): ism-brownbagoct2018.pdf
Release File (doc): ism-brownbagoct2018.docx