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Clone of Kids and Families Will Enjoy Rocks, Minerals, Fossils and Pumpkins at Illinois State Museum October Programs

Press Releases – Monday, September 24, 2018

ISM Location: Springfield

For Immediate Release:

SPRINGFIELD, IL – The Illinois State Museum's monthly Paul Mickey Learning Series program on Wed., Oct. 3 at 7:00 p.m. takes a close look at aging and the impact a single gene can have on living a long life.

Dr. Andrzej Bartke presents the program "Genes that Extend Life" on how all characteristics of living organisms, including the rate of aging and life span, are determined by a complex interplay of genetic composition and environmental influences. The common perception that longevity "runs in the family" is well supported by demographic data and studies of relatives of exceptionally long-lived people. However, the realization that a single gene can have a major impact on longevity is relatively recent.

Life-extending mutations, often referred to as longevity genes, were first discovered in microscopic worms, and Dr. Andrzej Bartke's laboratory provided evidence that they also exist in mammals. Finding such genes provides a unique opportunity for identifying molecular, cellular and other mechanisms of aging.

Dr. Bartke's lecture is free and open to the public. Each month, the Paul Mickey Learning Series features a different speaker and topic in the auditorium at the Illinois State Museum in the State Capitol Complex in Springfield. For additional information, send an email to or phone 217-558-6696.

Contact Person: Elizabeth Bazan

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Contact Phone: 217-558-6696

Release File (pdf): ism-genesoct18.pdf

Release File (doc): ism-genesoct18.docx