Bicentennial Speaker Series: “Binding Our State Together” on May 20 at the Illinois State Museum in Springfield
ISM Location: Springfield
For Immediate Release:
SPRINGFIELD, IL – A special Illinois Bicentennial series of programs at the Illinois State Museum in Springfield – “The Culture and Heritage of Illinoisans” – continues on Sunday, May 20 at 2:00 p.m. with a presentation by Dr. Norman Moline on “Binding Our State Together: 200 Years of Canals, Railroads, Postal Services and Roads.”
In Illinois, as in most places, people and communities have sought to connect with other places through modes of transportation and communication for cultural, economic and political reasons. After Illinois was created, state and private companies worked to bind our different regions together through infrastructure. Such links vastly expanded the spaces used by people and the connections between communities. They turned our state from merely a designated area on a map into a more unified, functional territory and contributed to our character and identity. Historical geographer Norman Moline will provide a broad survey of the development of Illinois’ connections since 1818.
The May 20 program is part of the “The Culture and Heritage of Illinoisans” series held on the third Sunday of every month through October 2018. The series is presented by the Academy of Lifelong Learning at Lincoln Land Community College in collaboration with the Illinois State Museum, featuring several Road Scholar Speakers offered by Illinois Humanities. The programs are free and open to the public.
For more information, call the Illinois State Museum at 217-782-0979 or the Academy of Lifelong Learning at LLCC at 217-786-2477.
Contact Person: Karen Everingham
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: (217) 782-5949
Release File (pdf): ism-200speaker-may2018.pdf
Release File (doc): ism-200speaker-may2018.docx